HomeArtistsNisenbaum Leon Girshevich

Nisenbaum Leon Girshevich

Nisenbaum Leon Girshevich (1925 - 2000) - was born on March 13, 1925 in Leningrad in the family of an engineer. After demobilization in 1946 he entered the department of monumental and decorative painting of the Leningrad Higher Art and Industrial College named after V.I. Mukhina. After graduating from college in 1952, he turned to applied graphics, in the field of which he became one of the leading Leningrad masters. A natural painter is manifested in him even in this area of ​​artistic creativity. In particular, work on envelopes for gramophone records: this "musical" painting in all respects, created by him in the 50s and 70s, brought joy to many houses. The color-plastic solution was the main figurative tool here. In 1956, Nisenbaum became a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the 60s and 70s the artist turns to ceramics, in which he also formed his own unique individual style. Since the mid-70s, Nisenbaum has been more and more engaged in painting, in which he pays more attention to the color-working sphere, rather than objectivity. The artist practically does not write from nature. He performs his works — not sketches, but finished paintings — very quickly, working on several things at the same time. Not giving up on the whole of figurativeness, he takes very little care of objective accuracy and "done". The artist uses exclusively picturesque means: deprived of descriptiveness, his works have a strong field of coloristic influence. Since the mid-80s, the artist has been actively involved in exhibitions of paintings. In the 90s, after a trip to Israel, Nisenbaum turned to the picturesque embodiment of the landscapes of the Holy Land, biblical subjects, a reflection of the life and traditions of Hasidism. The artist died on October 25 in 2000 in St. Petersburg.


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