lot 1. «Illustration for the stories of Maupassant» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich lithograph with author’s watercolor painting, 47x32 cm, 1930s lot 47. «Georges Durois with Medina» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich Illustration for Guy de Maupassant's novel, «Dear Friend». Paper, author's lithograph with watercolor, 21x15 cm, lot 57. «Illustration for «Greek myths»» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich author's lithography, proof print, 1940 lot 65. «Sketch of an illustration for the novel by M. Gorky «Thomas Gordeev»» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich paper, pencil, watercolor, white, 20x14 cm, 1948 lot 42. «Sketch for the portrait of V. Lenin» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich paper, pencil, 20x20 cm, 1930s lot 43. «Illustration for Guy de Maupassant's novel, «Dear Friend»» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich author's lithography, watercolor, 1935 lot 44. «Illustration for the Guy de Maupassant story «In the Port»» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich author's lithography, watercolor, 23x17 cm, 1935 lot 47. «Illustration for the fairy tale by G.Сh. Andersen «Thumbelina»» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich author's lithography, test typographic print, 1940s lot 68. «Cities and years» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich illustration for the novel by K. Fedin, author's print with watercolor tint and signature of lot 203. «Coquette in red» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich paper, mixed technique, 42x29.5 cm lot 204. «Coquette in a brown fur coat» Rudakov Konstantin Ivanovich paper, mixed technique, 40x29.5 cm
Auction №3 Auction — 9 October 2019 Catalog Auction № 4 Auction — 19 December 2019 Catalog Auction № 5 Auction — 12 March 2020 Catalog Auction No. 11 Auction — 27 November 2020 Catalog