HomeArtistsSamokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

Alexander Samokhvalov was born on August 8 (21), 1894 in the city of Bezhetsk, Tver province. Samokhvalov began his education at the mechanical and technical school in Kalyazin, from where he was expelled in 1908 for participating in the «school revolutionary movement». Subsequently, he graduated from a real school in Bezhetsk. He studied at the Academy of Arts until its closure (1914-1918). In 1918 he was forced to interrupt classes and left for his native Bezhetsk, where he participated in the design of mass festivities dedicated to the October Revolution. He completed his education at the Petrograd Free Art Workshops (1919-1923). Among teachers, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin had a special influence on Alexander Samokhvalov. Another strong impression that influenced the formation of the artist’s creative style was the participation of Alexander Samokhvalov in the restoration of St. George’s Cathedral in Staraya Ladoga (1926), where he discovered ancient Russian fresco painting.

Nevertheless, like the masters of OST, to which the Leningrad «Circle of Artists» was aesthetically very close, Samokhvalov managed to preserve the vivid features of poetic-free symbolism in completely official, commissioned works. The images of the «heroines of labor and sport» —samely full of major pathos and at the same time in their own way surreal, almost «mythological» charm, were especially successful for Samokhvalov; it is a kind of mysterious modern goddess, surrounded by a romantic halo. It was he who owned the landmark work of Soviet art of the 1930s - «Girl in a T-shirt» (1932), which most fully embodied the artist’s desire to create the image of a young contemporary, an understanding by a mature master of his painting tasks.

He was engaged in books and book graphics from the mid-1920s, collaborating with the Leningrad publishing house «Rainbow» and Detgiz. Noteworthy are artistic children's books, including those with texts by the artist himself (Our City, 1927; Night Fears, 1927; Diving Base, 1928; Vengeful Khujar, 1929, etc.). In 1948-1951, Samokhvalov taught at the Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting at the Lvov Higher Industrial College. V.I. Mukhina.

Alexander Nikolaevich Samokhvalov died in Leningrad on August 20, 1971, in the seventy-seventh year of his life. The works of Alexander Nikolaevich Samokhvalov are in the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, in museums and private collections in Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France, the USA, Italy and other countries.


Past auctions

lot 22. Sketch of Tobacco Captain by V. Shcherbakov, Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 22. Sketch of Tobacco Captain by V. Shcherbakov

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/gouache, mixed machinery, 18x33 cm, 1942

17 300 ₽

lot 32. Sketch of the Tobacco Captain by V. Shcherbakov, Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 32. Sketch of the Tobacco Captain by V. Shcherbakov

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

cardboard/pencil/white, 29.5х21.5 cm, 1943

11 500 ₽

lot 51. Portrait, Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 51. Portrait

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

oil on canvas, 38x30 cm, 1950s

0 ₽

lot 52. Portrait, Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 52. Portrait

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

oil on canvas, 45x54 cm, 1930s

0 ₽

lot 80. «Anna Karenina, illustration for the book», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 80. «Anna Karenina, illustration for the book»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper, pencil, 40x28 cm, 1958

6 000 ₽

lot 85. «Portrait of a Woman», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 85. «Portrait of a Woman»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/pencil, 64x45 cm, 1950


lot 87. «Anna Karenina», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 87. «Anna Karenina»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/pencil, 39x28 cm, 1958


lot 93. «Eugene Onegin», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 93. «Eugene Onegin»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/pencil, 17x27 cm, 1960s

4 000 ₽

lot 123. «Sketch for the painting «Cotton»», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 123. «Sketch for the painting «Cotton»»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/pencil, 13x32 cm, 1935

12 000 ₽

lot 137. «Эскиз к картине», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 137. «Эскиз к картине»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

бумага/уголь, 64х49 см, 1960


lot 130. «Ornament», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 130. «Ornament»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper/gouache, 46x53 cm


lot 131. «Tobacco captain», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 131. «Tobacco captain»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

mixed media, 20x30 cm, 1943

6 000 ₽

lot 142. «Othello», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 142. «Othello»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

theatrical sketch, ink, pen, watercolor on paper, 31x44 cm, 1950

7 000 ₽

lot 243. «Trees», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 243. «Trees»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

oil on canvas, 36x27 cm, 1910


lot 244. «Portrait of a Man», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 244. «Portrait of a Man»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

sketch, paper, pencil, 25x18 cm, 1950s

15 000 ₽

lot 245. «Portrait of a Woman», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 245. «Portrait of a Woman»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

sketch, paper, pencil, 34.5x22.5 cm, 1950s


lot 197. «Sketch of a man», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 197. «Sketch of a man»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

oil on canvas, 35x29.5 cm, 1950s


lot 198. «Sketch of a man's head», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 198. «Sketch of a man's head»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

canvas, cardboard, oil, 24.5x13 cm, 1950s


lot 199. «Series «Youth»», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 199. «Series «Youth»»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

a series of 6 sheets, 3 signed

200 000 ₽

lot 46. «People walking», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 46. «People walking»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

author's lithograph, 36x27 cm, 1960s

7 000 ₽

lot 158. «Sketch for «Eugene Onegin»», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 158. «Sketch for «Eugene Onegin»»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

two sketches, paper, pencil, 19x13 cm, 13x19 cm, 1950s


lot 159. «Anna Karenina, illustration», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
lot 159. «Anna Karenina, illustration»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

pencil on paper, 28x20.5 cm, 1950s


«Lilies of the valley», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«Lilies of the valley»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

canvas on plywood, oil, 35 x 46 cm, 1915


«The history of one city», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«The history of one city»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

author's lithograph, 37x26.5 cm, 1960

8 000 ₽

«The history of one city», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«The history of one city»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

author's lithograph, 37x26.5 cm, 1960


«History of a city», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«History of a city»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

author's lithography, 37.5x26 cm, proof print, 1960

10 000 ₽

«The History of a City», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«The History of a City»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

author's lithograph, 36x27 cm, proof print, 1960

10 000 ₽

«The history of a city», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«The history of a city»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper, author's lithograph, 37x21 cm, 1960

7 000 ₽

«The history of a city», Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich
«The history of a city»

Samokhvalov Alexander Nikolaevich

paper, author's lithograph, 37x21 cm, 1960

7 000 ₽



Auction № 1

Auction — 17 July 2019



Auction №3

Auction — 9 October 2019


Иллюстрация к рассказам Мопассана
Дама с бокалом
Иллюстрация к повести Гоголя «Нос»
В лесу

Auction № 4

Auction — 19 December 2019


Женщина в шляпе
Порт, Ленинград
Ростов Великий, заповедник

Auction № 5

Auction — 12 March 2020


Из истории

Auction № 6

Auction — 23 April 2020


Весна в саду
На горе
В осеннем лесу
Вечер в деревне

Painting and Graphics Auction No. 10

Auction — 20 October 2020


Осень на каналах

Auction No. 11

Auction — 27 November 2020


Владик и кот Васька
Эскиз к литографии Джаз

Auction No. 12

Auction — 12 December 2020


Земное поле
Домик у реки
Горный пейзаж

Auction No. 13

Auction — 23 January 2021


Лесные цветы
Зимний двор

Auction No. 14

Auction — 27 February 2021


Солдат в плащ-палатке
Анна Ахматова
Дети у моря
На станции Малая Вишера
В школу

Auction No. 15

Auction — 27 March 2021


В студии
Село Степанчиково
Подруги на реке
Женская голова