HomeAuctionsAuction № 7

Auction № 7, page № 3.

lot 78. «St. Petersburg», Dyakova Nina Vasilievna
Лот 78. lot 78. «St. Petersburg»

Dyakova Nina Vasilievna

color lithography, 28x38 cm, sheet: 42x50 cm


lot 79. «Palace of the Princes Yusupov», Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Лот 79. lot 79. «Palace of the Princes Yusupov»

Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich

color lithography (71/100), 24x29.5 cm, sheet: 29.5x35.5 cm, 1991


lot 83. «Ice drift on the Neva», Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Лот 83. lot 83. «Ice drift on the Neva»

Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich

color woodcut (45/100), 18x24.5 cm, sheet: 30x35 cm, 1980s


lot 85. «Pushkin on a walk», Menshikov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Лот 85. lot 85. «Pushkin on a walk»

Menshikov Vladimir Mikhailovich

lithograph, 23.5x17x.5 cm, 1990s


lot 86. «Churches», Kofanov Nikolay Ilyich
Лот 86. lot 86. «Churches»

Kofanov Nikolay Ilyich

color linocut, 11.5x15 cm, sheet: 24x23.5 cm, 1989

1 200 ₽

lot 88. «Griboedov Channel», Morozov Victor Vasilievich
Лот 88. lot 88. «Griboedov Channel»

Morozov Victor Vasilievich

lithography, frame size 33x39.5 cm


lot 89. «White Night», Pochtenny Oleg Alekseevich
Лот 89. lot 89. «White Night»

Pochtenny Oleg Alekseevich

linocut in a frame, 37.5x44 cm


lot 91. «Savior on the Blood», Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Лот 91. lot 91. «Savior on the Blood»

Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich

color lithography (30/100), 25.5x21 cm, sheet: 35x30 cm, 2003

1 500 ₽

lot 92. «Panteleimonovsky bridge», Serdyukov Vladimir Ivanovich
Лот 92. lot 92. «Panteleimonovsky bridge»

Serdyukov Vladimir Ivanovich

color woodcut (11/100), 15x22 cm, sheet: 23x30 cm


lot 93. «Angel over the city», Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich
Лот 93. lot 93. «Angel over the city»

Serdyukov Nikolay Vladimirovich

color metallography (11/30), 12x16 cm, sheet: 22x25.5 cm


lot 95. «Peter and Paul Fortress», Ushin Andrey Alekseevich
Лот 95. lot 95. «Peter and Paul Fortress»

Ushin Andrey Alekseevich

linocut, 15x12 cm, sheet: 27x20 cm, 1990s

1 200 ₽

lot 97. «The Singing Bridge», Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich
Лот 97. lot 97. «The Singing Bridge»

Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich

color linocut, 10.5x12.5 cm, sheet: 17.5x19.5 cm, 1992


lot 100. «Neva pier», Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich
Лот 100. lot 100. «Neva pier»

Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich

color linocut, 19.5x19 cm, sheet: 30x27.5 cm, 1991


lot 101. «The Church of Simeon and Anna», Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich
Лот 101. lot 101. «The Church of Simeon and Anna»

Kofanov Alexey Nikolaevich

color linocut, 14x10 cm, sheet: 23.5x17.5 cm, 1991


lot 103. «Palace Square», Ushin Andrey Alekseevich
Лот 103. lot 103. «Palace Square»

Ushin Andrey Alekseevich

linocut, 7.5x14.5 cm, sheet: 16x24 cm, 1990s

1 000 ₽

lot 112. «The Commandant's House», Uspensky Mikhail Nikolaevich
Лот 112. lot 112. «The Commandant's House»

Uspensky Mikhail Nikolaevich

color linocut, 13.2x42 cm, sheet: 44.5x54.5 cm, 1993

2 500 ₽

lot 116. «Maria Tsvetaeva», Glickman Gavriil Davidovich
Лот 116. lot 116. «Maria Tsvetaeva»

Glickman Gavriil Davidovich

lithograph, 64x46 cm, 1973

15 000 ₽

lot 117. «For the first time we will meet May 1 with a hammer and not with a rifle», Kozlinsky Vladimir Ivanovich
Лот 117. lot 117. «For the first time we will meet May 1 with a hammer and not with a rifle»

Kozlinsky Vladimir Ivanovich

painted linocut, sheet: 61x32 cm, 1920-21, facsimile reproduction, State Russian Museum, 2004


lot 118. «Puppets», Unknown artist
Лот 118. lot 118. «Puppets»

Unknown artist

paper / offset, 86x57 cm, circulation 500 copies, publishing house «Artist of the RSFSR», 1980

5 000 ₽

lot 120. «The Italian circus of the Kolotilov Brothers», Unknown artist
Лот 120. lot 120. «The Italian circus of the Kolotilov Brothers»

Unknown artist

Honored Artist of the Republic Vitaliy Lazarenko with his son. Poster, 87x61.5 cm, Gomets edition. Tipo-lithography


lot 121. «My daughter», Latinskiy Iosif Yakovlevich
Лот 121. lot 121. «My daughter»

Latinskiy Iosif Yakovlevich

Paper / pencil, 40x30 cm, frame, 1976. «I woke up, dress me up».

1 500 ₽

lot 127. «Still life», Unknown artist
Лот 127. lot 127. «Still life»

Unknown artist

paper / watercolor, 32x24.5 cm, 1933

500 ₽

lot 131. «Still life with a lamp», Ivanova Irina Borisovna
Лот 131. lot 131. «Still life with a lamp»

Ivanova Irina Borisovna

canvas / oil, 35x45 cm, 1997

6 000 ₽